Saturday, 19 January 2013

Day 17 - Your Equestrian Idol

I have to say I have a lot of respect for Shane Rose. A few years ago Natalie and I were volunteering at the eventing and we met his father - a lovely man who is proud of his son.

The reason why I like Shane Rose (even though I have never met the man) is because he seems like a genuine horseman who loves what he does and puts his heart and soul into the sport. I found a video of him introducing his horses and the way he was with them - well, just watch.

He has achieved olympic success, yes, but what I really like is he isn't a perfect rider - sometimes his dressage position can be a little, er, sloppy (compared to straight dressage riders). But he gets the best out of the horses and that is what matters.

The horses are number 1 priority to him. He will retire before he scares a horse out on cross country. His philosophy seems to be there is always tomorrow, always the next event. And it works! He is very successful

A true horseman through and through. That is why Shane Rose is my equestrian idol.

Also, he ALWAYS wears this blue striped jersey out competing cross country. I guess it is his 'thing'? Ha.

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