Next week Allie is getting a full body clip. She is SO HAIRY right now and she is uncomfortable when being ridden (even in 2 deg Celsius [35F]) and she does not dry off quickly. She is itchy with old dry sweat no matter how much warm water from a bucket I wash her down with. Poor horse.
Our riding-in-the-morning-before-work regime has been interrupted by the weather. Australia is famous for our droughts but you wouldn't know it from the last few years. It has been very wet. The footing is crap and my horse is not confident in the wet. So I have only ridden once in the last week.
HOWEVER we have a hold of a tow vehicle (towing capacity is only one horse at a time and no prolonged hills sadly) but I should be able to get her to the indoor once a week after work and still ride in the mornings 3 days a week plus ride on a Saturday.
My sitting trot needs work. |
Allie is already muscling up - her top line is improving (not that it was crap before) especially over her loins. Her shoulders look good! We are concentrating on going correctly, long and low, with transitions being smooth. With a little low jumping or trot poles thrown in for variety. The canter needs some work, but it is getting there (at least she canters when asked now!).
Nice and uphill here! |
Oops.. getting strung out... Plus I look like a lump. |
The plan is to try and keep her in consistent work (as best I can with no arena and bad weather) which means ride when I can. We are hoping to compete at the end of July (another dressage test) where Natalie will be joining us with Gracie for their first competition (!! they have been doing really well, see the photos!) and then another in August. In between, more lessons with Ann and indoor arena schooling sessions.
No laughing at me jumping in my dressage saddle! |
Ok, maybe you can laugh a little bit... |
That is where we are at essentially! We still haven't moved yet, they still have the house for sale but not much interest (They want $100,090,000 for it!!) and we are still in limbo.
Oh, the kittens you ask? Well - they are really well! I have one last girl to adopt out. Andrew and I are keeping two of them now - Herman and Fluff. They are so big now! (And Funder, they haven't yet DESTROYED a curtain but they sure have tried!).
Fluff!! (My husband named her and he won't let me change it!) |
Herman! He is really big now... |
Gosh I so know about the wet cold weather. It has been raining here to. I think we get your left overs plus a bit more sucked up from the tasman horses look great despite the winter coats. I need to clip too. But Eve hasn't been clipped before and I'm not sure how she will react....oh and it will mean a new rug to be purchased.
Your horses look gorgeous!
Drying a thick, wet coat is no fun. I hope the clip works out for you and good luck at the show!
Looking good!
Allie looks SO FANCY in these photos - she is beautiful.
Naw, thanks Kate! I'm starting to see the horse she is going to be coming out now. I'm really excited. :)
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