Sunday, 7 July 2013


So we were just getting Allie back in work when Linda (who is riding her for me once or twice a week) took her out yesterday, and Allie decided that it would be just awesome to flail her legs around and do this on the arena.

Awesome huh?

As far as injuries go it is a nice clean stitch job (vet call on a Saturday, thank heavens for insurance), no need for penicillin or bute, just keep it bandaged. She now gets two weeks off!



TeresaA said...

oh dear. well it looks like just a flesh wound. :)

Karley said...

Aye!!! Horses always keeping us on our toes!!

Kelly said...

Ouch! Heck of a way to get some vacation time!

Kate said...

Yikes I'm glad it was on the front of the joint and didn't involve any tendons!

Ruth said...

Aww poor silly Allie, at least it wasn't worse than what it is.

SheMovedtoTexas said...
