I have been on the look out for a eggbutt bit that looks like a french link but with a bean in the middle instead of a flat piece. (I'm madly googling for a picture, hang on).
Ok, apparently it's called an oval link eggbutt snaffle (I bought the one by JP Korsteel):

So, I have chosen this bit because:
- The oval link in the middle negates the snaffle 'nutcracker' action, and does not have effect on the upper palate (roof of the mouth) and lips.
- The D's on the side still help to keep the bit from pulling through (important in a young green horse still figuring out what some bit pressure means)
- I prefer the oval 'bean' link as I feel the flat one would pinch the tounge
- I like the curve that follows the line of the horse's mouth
My only hesitation is maybe I should not be changing bits on her this early in her training? If she doesn't like her current bit, she needs a new one, but is changing sooner rather than later a better option?
She also got a new rug, her very first combo. We had to take it off her as she went a bit crazy with Savanna (her paddock mate to replace Becks) and they both ran around like crazy ponies. Which they are, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised...